
The goal of this tutorial series is to allow the reader to start deploying on Kubernetes with a basic understanding of Kubernetes architectural principles. If you don’t know what Kubernetes is or how it works, I highly recommend reading part I of this series. Part II walks you through a sample deployment by explaining the most important steps.

In this post, we list a few best practices to follow when managing a Kubernetes cluster. I believe it’s important to follow best practices right away when one starts learning a new technology. This is the last post in this tutorial series. The other posts are listed below:

Table of contents

Application development

Health checks

By default, Kubernetes marks a Pod as ready and begins to send traffic when all its containers start, and restarts the containers when they crash. While this can be acceptable for some simpler deployments, a more robust approach is necessary for production deployments.

For example, a container might need some warm-up time before it gets to an operational state. This could mean some requests are dropped if Kubernetes considers the container ready when it’s not. To remedy, we can configure readiness and liveness probes.

  • Readiness probes are designed to let Kubernetes know when a Pod is ready to accept traffic. A common misconception is that readiness probes are only active during startup. This is not true: Kubernetes keeps testing for readiness during the whole lifetime of the Pod, and pauses and resumes routing to the Pod according to the readiness probe response.
  • Liveness probes indicate whether a container is alive or not: if it’s not it will be restarted by Kubernetes. This probe can be used to detect deadlocks or other broken states that don’t necessarily result in a crash.

There are three types of probes: HTTP checks, TCP checks, and checks performed by running commands inside the container. The following is an example configuration of Readiness and Liveness probes:

    path: /check
    port: 80
  periodSeconds: 2
    path: /healthz
    port: 80
  initialDelaySeconds: 20
  periodSeconds: 30

We configure two different health check, with a different frequency. If the container is unresponsive for a longer period of time, it will be restarted. More details on the probe types and all the options are found here.

Graceful shutdown

When a Pod is terminated, Kubernetes does two things in parallel:

  1. it sends the SIGTERM signal to the containers in the Pod, so it’s important that they handle it correctly and start shutting down the application;
  2. it invokes the preStop hook inside the containers that define it. This hook should be implemented if the containers cannot handle SIGTERM for some reason, or if there are multiple containers in the Pod and the order in which they shut down matters.

It’s also important to ensure that the application does not shut down immediately upon receiving SIGTERM. It might take some time before kube-proxy or the Ingress controller are notified of the endpoint change, and traffic could still reach the Pod even though it’s marked as terminated.

Declarative management and versioning

Kubernetes objects can be created, updated, and deleted by storing multiple object configuration files in a directory and using kubectl apply to recursively create and update those objects as needed. The kubectl diff command gives a preview of the changes that the apply subcommand will make. The kubectl delete command also accepts manifest files.

The configuration can be written in JSON or YAML files, with the latter being the preferred format if humans have to read and update the configuration. This object management is called “declarative”, and it’s the opposite of the “imperative” style in which changes are requested directly with the run, create, scale and patch subcommands. Declarative management has several advantages over the imperative methodology:

  • object configuration can be stored and versioned in source control system like Git, making reviewing, debugging and auditing much easier;
  • object configuration can be integrated with other processes like Git hooks or CI/CD pipelines;
  • existing configuration can be used as a template for new objects, ensuring consistency and making the process quicker.

Lastly, it’s recommended to annotate the objects with the annotation at each configuration update, or at least the most important ones. By doing that, one can review the revision history of any object with the command kubectl rollout history. For example:

$ kubectl rollout history deployment/api
1         v0.1.0 - 9ffcfee
2         v0.2.0 - 4f2f949
3         v0.2.1 - 011d68f
4         v0.2.2 - b9806cc

Cluster management


Namespaces are also called “virtual clusters” by the Kubernetes documentation. These virtual clusters are backed by the same physical cluster, and they are all logically isolated from each other. Isolation helps with the cluster organization and security.

The first three Namespaces created in a cluster are default, kube-system, and kube-public. These namespaces are not reserved and it’s possible to deploy to them, but it’s best not to do that.

  • default is for objects that are not explicitly assigned to a Namespace; deploying everything in there is going to clutter your cluster and it will become hard to administer very quickly;
  • kube-system is for all objects related to the Kubernetes system. Deploying to this Namespace can damage the functionality of the cluster, so it shouldn’t be done except in rare cases;
  • kube-public is readable by all users and it’s created by kubeadm — it’s best not to touch it.

In bigger projects, Namespaces are useful to separate different teams or projects into separate environments. In small clusters (e.g. a single small application), I find them very useful to split different environments (e.g. staging, production). Namespaces can be isolated at the network level with NetworkPolicies. Furthermore, a cluster administrator can restrict resource consumption and creation on a Namespace basis, using LimitRange and ResourceQuota policies.

Resource limits and requests

Resource requests indicate how much of each resource a Container needs to run. The most common resources to specify are CPU and memory. For a complete list, consult the documentation. It’s best to always specify those with the minimum requirements. If resource requests are not specified, Kubernetes assumes that a Container has a memory and CPU utilization of zero. That could potentially lead Kubernetes to schedule too many Pods on the same node and exhaust all the resources.

It’s also possible to specify resource limits that containers cannot exceed. Whether it’s better to specify them or not should be decided case by case, as the container runtime might terminate containers which attempt to exceed the limits. CPU resources, for example, are compressible. When they are exhausted, the kernel will start throttling the processes. That might be a more desirable behavior than termination.

If you are unsure about the resource usage of your Containers, you can run the Vertical Pod Autoscaler in the “Off” mode and inspect the recommendations.


The local filesystem in a container should never be used to persist data. If you do that, each Pod in a ReplicaSet will potentially have a different state. As a consequence, it won’t be possible to leverage horizontal scaling strategies in a consistent way.

Kubernetes supports several scaling strategies:

  • the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler scales the applications across Pods, so it’s usually a good fit for stateless applications and should be the preferred scaling strategy;
  • the Vertical Pod Autoscaler scales the application by adding resources to single Pods, so it can be used if the application cannot be scaled horizontally (note that it’s still in beta at this time);
  • the Cluster Autoscaler scales the whole cluster by adding or removing worker nodes. This scaling strategy makes sense when the workloads are highly variable and can see rapid demand spikes. When demand changes gradually the other scaling strategies should be preferred.

Pod topology

Multiple replicas are not enough to guarantee high availability. If all the replicas are scheduled on the same node, the node becomes the single point of failure. Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity rules can be used to instruct Kubernetes to constrain which nodes are eligible for scheduling based on Pods that are already running on nodes rather than based on node labels.

For example, we can use an anti-affinity rule to disallow scheduling on nodes that are already running Pods that match the specified label selector:

    - labelSelector:
          app: web
      topologyKey: ''

(Note that the requirement specified above is a hard requirement — the corresponding soft requirement can be specified with preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution).

For additional safety, it’s recommended to set PodDisruptionBudgets that limit the number of Pods of a replicated application that can be down simultaneously. This prevents voluntary disruptions from happening, e.g. a node drain request from the cluster administrator that would evict too many Pods. Disruption Budgets cannot prevent involuntary disruptions but they do count against the budget. Note that at this time Disruption Budgets are in beta.


Role-based access control (RBAC)

In a computer system, access should be regulated according to the security principle of least privilege: users and programs should not have any more permissions than they need to accomplish their tasks. In Kubernetes, that is accomplished with RBAC policies. Implementing RBAC policies properly can easily get out of hand, and that’s where an operator like RBAC Manager can help.

Container security

There are several best practices regarding container security:

  • disallow root user execution
  • disallow privileged containers
  • disallow changes to kernel parameters
  • disallow the use of the host network
  • require read-only root filesystem

All of these best practices can be enforced with Pod Security Policies, which at this time are still in beta. An alternative is to use a policy management framework like Kyverno to validate, mutate and generate workload configurations. Kyverno works by installing an admission controller webhook receiver. The GitHub repository contains a lot of sample resources that enforce the above best practices and many more.


This post concludes the tutorial series. I hope this list of best practices did not overwhelm you. I also wrote it as a reference for myself. By all means, do not start implementing everything immediately, but use this list as a starting point to learn new Kubernetes concepts and workflows. Some of them, on the other hand, are quite critical (e.g. keeping all your configuration in versioned YAML files), and you should definitely start adopting them immediately. I compiled a list of some useful tools that can help you enforce good practices almost effortlessly.